It’s hard typing with gloves on…

Evenerythingf endss upp llookjingg lklike thiis.

I think need some slippers..or something..

I miss summertime.

 ……if love existed we wouldn’t be so soft and easy to ruin….


44 thoughts on “

  1. Yeah.  I’m feeling the same way you are right about now.  But I have to admit, I’ve never tried typing with gloves.  Daaang.  I’m just a screw-up.  Oh well, I love you Ash!!
    .xoxox. Lindsay.


  2. you’re sites so pretty and pink. Its hard to do alot of things with gloves on, like me I can’t open my front door. Its like they slip. =/
    oh mae has an awesome song called summertime. I don’t know if you’d like it since I don’t know you, but hey…thought i’d just say.


  3. <LABEL id=HbSession SessionId=”2013343600″>can you say hot stuff?
    <LABEL SessionId=”2013343600″>man that profile picture makes me want to get it on with you lovahgrrrrl
    <LABEL SessionId=”2013343600″>loveyou!
    <LABEL SessionId=”2013343600″>psthis isangela.


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